Teenaged Shenanigans.
And FYI I didn't play minecraft, I sat around and sung (if you can call it that) Japanese music and dubstep. Is it possible to sing dubstep. Wub wub wub wub wub DROP WUUUBBB WUUUB WUUUUB. Yes I have just proven it possible, I deserve a nobel prize. :) Well I'll settle for a cookie, or a new black pen since Tre....Trayton stole my ink out of my pen.... fucking bastard.

So to the actual point of this, is there ever a point to these things? Anyways! What I plan to do on my day off.

  1. Write a ton.
  2. Listen/ download illegal music.
  3. Eat.
  4. Sleep.
  5. Shave.
  6. Go for a walk.
  7. RPG with Ryan.
  8. Play Oblivion.
  9. Read blogs about Oblivion.
  10. Watch the squirrels.
  11. Plot on how to catch the squirrels.
  12. Attempt to catch the squirrels.
  13. Fail miserably.
  14. Back to the drawing board.
  15. Attempt to get a life.
  16. Fail miserably.
  17. Go back to playing Oblivion.
  18. Eat.
  19. Write.
  20. Sleep for next day.

Ok yeah I do need a life but it's on my list of things to do. ;) Yeah doesn't make it look sexual, damned winky face with it's sexual innuendos . Oh well love you guys, bye!

-Rose <3